“My mother always said to be on time and respect other people’s time,” Midland College
student Vanessa Mendoza Vázquez said. “I’ve made that a habit for myself.”
English Professor Dr. William Christopher Brown confirmed her habit for punctuality.
“Vanessa has a great work ethic and attitude,” he said. “She was always one of the
first people to arrive to class every day.”
Vázquez grew up in Juárez, Mexico, and graduated from high school in Juárez in 2020—in
the midst of the COVID shutdown. As was the case for the class of 2020 throughout
the world, she did not have a high school graduation ceremony. In the fall of 2020,
she started taking classes at the Universidad de Durango in Juárez majoring in medicine.
“My father was working in Midland in the oilfield, and we finally were able to join
him last summer.” Vázquez explained. “Even though I had started college in Mexico,
I knew that I would have better opportunities for a career in healthcare in the United
States, so my mother, younger sister and I moved to Midland.”
Nineteen-year-old Vanessa is the middle child in her family. This past May, her older
sister Ashley Paola graduated from medical school in Mexico and is now doing a medical
internship at Hospital General de Ciudad Juárez. Her younger sister, 15-year-old
Alexandra, attends Midland High School. When Vanessa and Alexandra moved to Midland
last summer, it was their first time in the United States.
“I had studied English for two years in high school in Mexico, but I had never really
spoken it in conversation or studied in English,” Vázquez said. “I started taking
college classes last fall, and I told myself, ‘it’s time to sink or swim.’ One of
my first Midland College courses was Public Speaking. Of course, the class was taught
in English, and we had to give speeches in English. I just made up my mind that I
was going to do this and do it well. I have to think about what to say and how to
write, and have to review and review constantly, But I’m proud to say that I’m making
good grades, and have pretty much mastered the English language on my own.”
Vázquez is currently enrolled at Midland College as a full-time student and taking
prerequisites to enter the Associate Degree Nursing program so that she can train
to become a registered nurse.
“I really like how the professors teach classes at Midland College,” Vázquez said.
“For example, I had taken Anatomy in college in Juárez, but because of COVID, it
was an online course. It is so much better getting to take the class in person with
the hands-on lab component. It’s also been a great opportunity for me to practice
my English. I knew anatomy in Spanish, but I’ve had to learn anatomy in English.
I took the class during the first summer session, so it was fast-paced. We had to
cover the same material in about 5 weeks that is normally covered in 16 weeks during
a regular fall or spring semester. I enjoyed it, and it helped to reinforce that
I have made the correct decision in choosing nursing as a profession.”
Vázquez said that besides Anatomy, her other favorite Midland College classes have
been Writing & Composition and Music Appreciation. (She said that she enjoys all
kinds of good music.) In addition to her college studies, Vázquez also works approximately
24 hours weekly as a personal shopper at HEB. She works 2:00-9:00 p.m. five days
each week.
“Even though my life is busy, I like living in Midland.” she said. “It’s very peaceful,
especially compared to Juárez, which is a very noisy big city. Juárez is also in
the desert; Midland is much greener and has more trees. People laugh when I say how
green Midland is, but I think it really is a pretty city.”
In her spare time, Vázquez enjoys playing volleyball, swimming and cooking, especially