StudentsCareer & Transfer Center

Schedule a Career Assessment & Exploration appointment by contacting or (432) 686-4217

Career Assessment & Advising

  • Career assessments are a way to learn how well a variety of careers might suit you and your future.
  • Each assessment focuses on a specific area, such as skills, interests, or values. Typically, an assessment asks you to answer questions about your likes, dislikes, strengths and what is important to you.

Part Time & Full Time

The Career & Transfer Center has one physical job board that posts jobs that come in weekly located in the Scharbauer Student Center right outside office #256. For the most up-to-date employment opportunities both locally and across the country, Midland College is now partnering with Handshake, your new career management platform, to help you discover new career paths and find amazing jobs and internships. To set up your Handshake account, go to Handshake.

Schedule an appointment for services at (432) 686-4217 or

We Can help with the following:

  • Targeting your job objective
  • Developing an effective resume
  • Using LinkedIn to enhance your job search
  • Contacting and following up with employers
  • Preparing for a successful interview
  • Maintaining a positive social media presence

There are opportunities to obtain a 4-year degree without transferring.

Midland College offers two bachelor's degree programs. For more information, select the links below:

We Can Also help with the following:

  • Researching schools, majors and deadlines
  • Contacting the transfer representative at your school(s) of choice
  • Completing the application and essay-writing process
  • Applying for financial aid and scholarships
  • MC students have transferred successfully to the following schools:

Career & Transfer Center

Contact us to schedule an appointment!
(432) 686-4217

Scharbauer Student Center (SSC), Room 257
MC Main Campus