Testing Services

Need to take a test?

To sign up for a test, select the exam from the list below and complete all necessary steps to prepare for the test.

Testing Center Hours

Spring 2025

Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Required Documentation

Valid Photo ID

A valid photo ID is required for ALL tests. Valid forms of identification are a student ID, driver's license, military ID, and a passport.


A receipt must be shown for the TSIA2, CLEP, and non-MC exams. 
Payment Options
In-person at Midland College Cashier's Office


Select Test Below for Details


PSI is a testing company that provides a wealth of different types of exams. If you know that your exam is provided through PSI, or if you're unsure and need to find a particular type of exam, please visit the PSI website to locate your exam and to find out more information about it:  PSI Website


The most frequent PSI exams that students take at our testing center are health industry-related certifications, such as the Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT) exam.  The registration process for most PSI exams begins at the particular association's website.  For example, to register for health industry exams via PSI, please visit the National Healthcareer Association's (NHA) website: National Healthcareer Association


Midland College Testing does not charge any type of extra proctoring fee to administer PSI exams.  The cost that you pay for your exam with PSI is the only fee you have to pay.


If you are unsure whether you need to take the TSIA2 to get started at Midland College, visit our TSI Information & Requirements page. If you have any questions, contact us by phone at (432) 685-4504 or email at testing@midland.edu

TSI Information & Requirements

How to Sign-up

Step 1: Complete *Required* Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA)

The PAA must be completed BEFORE applying to take the TSIA2 exam.

Step 2: Decide to take the TSIA2 In-Person or online

Choose your preferred test taking experience below.

Step 3: Make an Appointment

Schedule Appointment

Step 4: Pay for the TEst

Cost of TSIA2

The FULL exam (all three sections) is $29. For an individual section (Math, Reading, or Writing), the cost is $15 per subject.

Payment Options

  • Online Payment
  • In-person at Cashier's Office
    • Regular Hours
      Monday - Friday (8 am - 5 pm)
    • Summer Hours (mid-May - mid-August)
      Monday - Thursday (7:30 am - 5:30 pm)
    • Contact Info
      (432) 685-4531
    • Location
      Scharbauer Student Center (SSC), Room 229

Fee Waiver

A fee waiver is available for students unable to pay the $29 or $15 TSIA2 fee at the Testing Center. Students receiving a waiver must have a completed FAFSA/TAFSA on file with Midland College.

Complete the TSIA2 Fee Waiver form to request a fee waiver. 

TSIA Fee Waiver

Step 5: TAke the TSIA2

Bring to the test your:

  • Photo ID
  • Receipt for $29, or $15 payment

Arrive 10 minutes early

Be in the Testing Center 10 minutes before your appointment.


Midland College Main Campus
Scharbauer Student Center
3600 N. Garfield, Midland, TX 79705


Step 3: Check Technical Requirements

Technical/computer requirements are listed on the Examity website and test your computer by clicking the following link:

Test your computer requirements

Step 4: Request a voucher

Complete the Voucher Request

Online Voucher Request Form

Step 5: Check your Email

Within two business days, you will receive an email with your voucher code and further instructions.

Step 6: Schedule an Appointment

Visit the Examity website to schedule an appointment. Once scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email with login credentials and test day instructions.


STEP 7: Take the TSIA2

Be ready to take the test at the appointed time.

Once your scores arrive at MC, we will send you an email on next steps.


Free Test Prep Resources


Visit the EdReady website to set up your free account. 



TSIA2 Preparation from Accuplacer


Eligibility Requirements for High School Equivalency Testing

A resident of the state who has not graduated from an accredited high school is eligible to take the high school equivalency test per Texas Education Code, Section 7.111 in accordance with rules promulgated by the State Board of Education. Eligibility requirements for high school equivalency testing are defined in the Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 2, Chapter 89, Subchapter C, Rule §89.43.

How to register for the GED Exam

Candidates register online by clicking the link below, creating an account on ged.com, and then scheduling a test at the Midland College Testing Center located at Scharbauer Student Center, Room 260.

For registration assistance, call the GED® Testing Service at (877) 392-6433. When registering, enter your legal name as it appears on your primary identification.


  • $145 for All 4 SUBJECTs
  • FREE for students who complete GED Classes @ MC


MC offers free classes to prepare for the GED Test AND a voucher to take the test at no cost. Learn more about class offerings and registration by visiting GED Classes @ MC

GED Classes @ MC

Registration Process

Register and pay for the GED Test by clicking the Register for the GED Test link below.

The Testing Center does not schedule for test candidates or accept payment for the exams.

Register for the GED Test

Test Requirements

High school equivalency exams test-takers must meet the following requirements:

  • 18 years of age (age exceptions below)
  • Not be enrolled in an accredited high school
  • Not be a high school graduate from an accredited high school
  • Have a Current Government Issued Photo ID*
    Expired ID's: As of June 1, 2021, expired ID's are no longer accepted.
      • State driver license
      • Department of Public Safety identification card
      • Military ID
      • Passport
      • U.S. passport card
      • Matrícula consular
      • School ID's are not accepted
*If the test-taker does not have a current, government issued photo ID, they must provide a picture ID with their name on it, along with proof of Texas residency. A school ID is accepted here, along with proof of Texas residency.
Provide proof of Texas residency examples:
        • Texas driver license or Texas ID
        • Utility bill showing a Texas address
        • Bank statement showing a Texas address
        • Copy of a current lease

Age Exceptions

Individuals under the age of 18 are required to attend school (Texas Education Code Chapter 25, Section 25.085) unless they qualify for an exemption (Texas Education Code Chapter 25, Section 25.086).

For online proctored exams, a parent or guardian must be present at the pre-test check-in to give consent and authorize the underage testing. The parent or guardian's ID is required.

17 Year Old Test-Takers

To qualify for an age exception, a 17-year-old must:

  • Have a government (national or foreign) issued photo ID
    (see above for ID requirements)
  • Have proof of Texas residency
    (see above for residency requirements)
  • Verify you are not currently enrolled in school (unless enrolled in an approved in-school High School Equivalency Program)
  • Not have an accredited high school diploma
  • Have parent/guardian permission

Alternatively, a 17-year-old may qualify under the 16-year-old rule below.

16 Year Old Test-Takers

To qualify for an age exception, a 16-year-old must:

  • Have a government (national or foreign) issued photo ID (see above for ID requirements)
  • Have proof of Texas residency (see above for residency requirements)
  • Not have an accredited high school diploma
  • Be one of the following:
    • In the care of a state agency
    • Under a court order issued under Family Code 65.103 (a) (3)
    • Enrolled in a Job Corps training program
    • Enrolled in the Texas Challenge Academy

GED Testing Services Texas Policies


(432) 686-4211

Fasken Learning Resource Center (LRC)The LRC Exam Center, located in the LRC (library), can proctor exams and quizzes from MC classes. Appointments are required and students must have permission from the instructors to test in the center. Please visit the LRC Exam Center link below.


What to Bring

Photo ID and any materials the instructor requires for the exam.

LRC Exam Center

Does not include ATI Texas Testing

Instructors from other schools issue proctored tests that need to be taken at Midland College. The instructor must coordinate these exams with the Testing Center.

Appointment required


Midland College Main Campus
Scharbauer Student Center (SSC)


What to Bring

Photo ID and any materials the instructor requires for the exam, i.e. graphing calculator, etc.

* If you run late, call us at (432) 685-4504 to discuss rescheduling. 

Schedule Appointment

Payment Options

Cashier's Office Hours

  • Regular Hours
    Monday - Friday (8 am - 5 pm)
  • Summer Hours (mid-May to mid-August)
    Monday - Thursday (7:30 am - 5:30 pm)

What you need to know

  • Available online
  • Proctoring will be done through ATI Testing
  • ATI TEAS charges a fee of $75.00 for the exam, which you will pay before you begin. ATI TEAS charges a separate $25.00 for its online proctoring service called Proctorio, which you also will pay before your test begins.
  • TEAS Testing begins promptly at 8:30 am on Thursdays
  • Reservations must be made before noon on Tuesday before your preferred test date because a systems check will need to be run the day before the exam.
  • Further details will be provided when the reservation form has been received.

Computer Requirements

  • Webcam
  • Microphone
  • High-speed internet


To reserve a session complete the TEAS Registration by clicking the link below.

Online TEAS Sign-Up

TEAS Attempts

Nursing Students

The Midland College Nursing Department allows students to make 3 attempts at taking the TEAS exam. Before making a 4th attempt (or more), please contact the MC Nursing Department at (432) 685-6462 for further instructions.

Nursing Student Attempts


1st 6 weeks
2nd 6 weeks
3rd Contact the Nursing Department



All Texas Commission on Fire Protection (TCFP) testers must bring their Online Exam Eligibility Form to the Testing Center. When you pay and register for your TCFP test, this form is emailed to you.


Midland College Main Campus
Scharbauer Student Center, Room 260


What to Bring

Photo ID

* If you run late, call us at (432) 685-4504 to discuss rescheduling. 

Schedule Appointment

Midland College is happy to now offer Texas Real Estate exams for our students and local community members who are pursuing degrees in real estate!


All TX Real Estate exams are administered via Pearson Vue and testers must sign-up to take these exams on the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) website. To register for a TX Real Estate exam, please visit the TREC website, and during the registration process, please select Midland College as your testing location:  Texas Real Estate Commission


Midland College does not charge any type of extra proctoring fee to administer Texas Real Estate exams. The cost that you pay for your exam via Pearson Vue/TREC is the only fee you have to pay.

What is CLEP?

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests allow students to acquire college credit by showing mastery of a college subject via a 90-minute exam.


  • CLEP exam fee is required at the time of registration, Non-Refundable
  • Midland College does charge a separate $25 proctoring fee, Non-Refundable

Payment Options

Cashier'S Office Hours

  • Regular Hours
    Monday - Friday (8 am - 5 pm)
  • Summer Hours
    Monday - Thursday (7:30 am - 5:30 pm)

Study Guides

CLEP study guides are available through the Midland College Testing Center. Email testing@midland.edu to request a guide.

Registration Process

  • Appointment Availability
    Before registering for a CLEP exam at the CLEP website, visit midlandcollege.as.me/CLEP to ensure appointment availability.
  • Registration Requirement
    CLEP Registration must be completed at least 24 hours BEFORE the testing appointment.

CLEP Registration & Payment

Don’t forget

  • Bring a current, valid photo ID and your Registration ticket on testing day.
  • Testing must occur within 60 days of paying the testing fee
  • Testing & Registration fees are non-refundable
  • If running late, call us to discuss rescheduling: (432) 685-4504

Schedule Appointment

The scores below will permit any student to take the Accuplacer College-Level Math Placement. Test scores below are valid for up to 5 years following the date the test was taken.

*Not Math TSIA*

The Accuplacer College-Level Math Placement test is NOT the math section of the TSIA.



Math Score

ACT 23 Composite with 19 Math
GED 165 Mathematical Reasoning
SAT (after March 5, 2016) 530 Math
STAAR Level 2 score of 4000 on the Algebra II (EOC)
TSIA 950

*MC Advisor approval required for this exam. Once approved, MC advisor will provide an approval slip. Exemption scores must be on file with MC. 

Accuplacer Test taking options

1) Online/remote Testing

  • Proctored by Examity
  • Cost $25

Online sign-up steps

      1. Complete the Voucher Request form for College Math Placement.
      2. Check your email. Within two business days, you will receive an email from Accuplacer and we will forward the same email with other directions.
      3. Contact Examity for appointment (details in the email received from Examity).

Remote Testing Voucher

2) In-Person Testing

  • MC Testing Center
  • By appointment
  • No charge for MC students; $25 for non-MC testers

In-Person Sign-up Step

Schedule an appointment by completing the Appointment Form:

On-Campus Testing Appointment Form

Accuplacer Placement Guidelines

Next-Generation Advanced Algebra and Functions


Scaled Score

MATH 1314 College Algebra
MATH 1324 Business Math
MATH 1332 Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 1342 Statistics


MATH 1316 Trigonometry
MATH 1325 Business Calculus
MATH 1350 Math for Teachers I
MATH 2412 Precalculus


MATH 2413 Calculus

265 and above





Email: testing@midland.edu


Email: enroll@midland.edu



MC Testing Center

Scharbauer Student Center
Room 260

(432) 685-4504