Pre-Kindergarten Academy

pre-kindergarten academy logoDid you know that children who participate in high-quality early learning are more likely to enter kindergarten prepared to succeed? Apply today to set your child up with the best possible start.


Program Overview

It is the mission of this program to provide quality, developmentally appropriate, early childhood education to children ages three through five, preparing them for success in kindergarten. This program examines the needs of the children, families, school district, and community we serve.

Accessible and Affordable

Our goal is to make quality preschool affordable for all. Our classrooms are high-quality and use an evidence-based, state approved curriculum that promotes culturally responsive, engaging, and nurturing adult/child interactions in quality learning environments.


Our goal is to eliminate the disproportionate kindergarten readiness gap. Our program supports the needs of all children through student-focused coaching, ongoing curriculum training and data analysis.

The Pre-K Academy serves children who are state Pre-K AND CCS eligible and tuition paying students. Slots will be filled by lottery.

Program Details

Select links below

Program Goals

  • Provide a safe, healthy, and stimulating physical environment
  • Consider the developmental needs and interests of each child, as well as the needs and interests of the group
  • Offer a curriculum that focuses on the process of learning rather than the finished product
  • Provide an environment that encourages each child to develop responsibility and independence
  • Encourage the acquisition and use of problem solving skills
  • Offer opportunities to grow in creativity, discovery, and academic areas including STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math)
  • Help children learn to express him/herself in a variety of socially acceptable ways
  • Provide opportunity to enhance the child’s self esteem
  • Encourage parent/guardian involvement and support the family as their child’s first teacher

Pre-K Details

  • Accept children three and four years old by September 1st of current year
  • School Calendar: Monday through Friday, 7:45 am – 3:15 pm (follows compulsory attendance laws)
  • Before School Care: 7 – 7:45 am
  • After School Care: 3:15 – 5:30 pm
  • Non-School days: 7:00 am to 5:30 pm
  • Located at the MC Main Campus, next to the PE building

2023-2024 School Calendar

The child must meet at least ONE of the eligibility criteria identified by the Texas Education Agency. State eligibility criteria are listed below:
  • Child is educationally disadvantaged (eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program, receive SNAP/TANF/Medicaid, household income within 185% of Federal Poverty Guidelines, etc); or
  • Child of an active duty member of the military, including the reserves; or injured, missing or killed while serving on active duty; or
  • Child is unable to speak and comprehend the English language (as determined by language assessment); or
  • Child currently or previously in conservatorship of Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (foster care); or
  • Child/family is homeless (fit the definition of homeless as defined by the United States); or
  • Child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award as a peace officer, fire fighter or emergency medical first responder.

Required Documents

  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Security Card
  • Current Record of Immunization
  • Proof of Address (1 of these):
    • Utility Bill (gas, water, electric)
    • Home/Lease contract
    • Affidavit

As Applicable

  • Income documentation for all members of household (2 months’ worth)
  • Military documentation
  • TANF/SNAP documentation
  • Documentation of custody
    • Legal orders,
    • Power of attorney,
    • TDFPS foster care

Now Accepting Applications

The Pre-K Academy serves children who are state Pre-K AND Child Care Services (CCS) eligible as well as tuition paying families. All seats will be filled by lottery.
  • The full-day Pre-K program serves children who turn 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1st of the current year.
  • For the 2023-24 school year, the Pre-K Academy will have the ability to serve 296 students.

How to Apply

Pre-K Academy applications are submitted to Midland ISD through the Apply Midland portal. Follow the instructions below to complete the application process.


Contacts & Location


Lori Smith  Lori Smith 
  (432) 685-6806


Leslie Goodrum  Amber Harmon
  Executive Director
  (432) 685-6853



Pre-K Academy & Center for Teaching Excellence Building
MC Main Campus
(432) 685-6809

Academic Calendar (pdf)

Midland Development Corporation

Partial funding provided by the Midland Development Corporation. The Midland Development Corporation’s mission is to promote and advance opportunities that enhance and diversify the strength and stability of the Midland economy.

The Midland College Pre-Kindergarten Academy is a public comprehensive school operated by Midland College designed to provide and expand early childhood educational offerings for Midland residents.

Midland Development Corporation


MDC Logo



Children in MC's Pre-K Academy Child in MC's Pre-K Academy Children and instructor in MC's Pre-K Academy