On Thursday evening, October 24, two Midland College (MC) employees were recognized
along with other nurses throughout West Texas by Permian Basin Great 25 Nurses, an
organization that exits to recognize extraordinary nurses across West Texas. The
recognition ceremony was held in the Scharbauer Student Center Carrasco Room on the
main Midland College campus, 3600 N. Garfield, at 6:00 p.m.
Midland College employees Laurie Brannigan and Wendy Wood-Collins were among the honorees.
Brannigan is an associate professor in MC’s Associate Degree Nursing program, and
Wood-Collins is the associate dean of Health Sciences Dual Credit and Continuing Education.
“Laurie and Wendy not only exemplify the best of the nursing profession, but also
are truly great nurse educators,” said Dr. Carmen Edwards, MC dean of Health Sciences.
“Both of these women play a pivotal role in strengthening the nursing workforce, serving
as role models and providing the leadership needed to implement evidence-based practice.”
About Permian Basin Great 25 Nurses
The Permian Basin Great 25 Nurses was mirrored after a program created in the Dallas-Ft.
Worth area. Nurses are recognized for their outstanding achievements and their work
within their communities.
A group of nursing leaders in the West Texas area formed the Permian Basin Great 25
Nurses, a non-profit organization. The nominees are judged on their concern for humanity,
their contributions to the profession of nursing and their mentorship to others.
Dr. Edwards serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Permian Basin Great
25 Nurses and said that the goal of the organization is to honor 25 extraordinary
nurses and the communities that they serve every year.
Picture: Laurie Brannigan (Left) and Wendy Wood-Collins (Right).