The Midland College (MC) golf team dropped off all the non-perishable food items collected
during the campus Thanksgiving Food Drive on Monday, Nov. 22 at the Jubilee Center.
Students, faculty and staff contributed donations from Nov. 1 – Nov. 19 in drop boxes
located throughout the main MC campus. Permian Basin STEPS (Service, Transmission,
Exploration & Production Safety Network) members also contributed toward MC’s annual
Thanksgiving food drive this year.
“The MC campus stepped up for this project and Permian Basin STEPS was an invaluable
partner,” said Taneekwa Hurdle, MC Student Activities Coordinator. “The pandemic has
been a tough on everyone, and it has put a strain on non-profits such as food pantries.
We are proud to support them through this food drive and I know many students, faculty
and staff also support the West Texas Food Bank and its partner agencies like the
Jubilee Center as volunteers and through monetary donations.”
“The golf team was happy to help out by collecting the donations and transporting
them; in fact, we have been delivering MC’s donations for many years,” Walt Williams,
MC Golf Coach said. “The golf team includes international students from Scotland,
Australia, Mexico, South Africa, England and France, and they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving
or get to go home for the break. Volunteering with this project brought them closer
together as a team, and everyone felt great about giving back and making a difference
in the community where they go to school.”