Enhancing Our Community, Building the Future
Midland College is helping to address two critical challenges in our community--shortage
of quality early childhood opportunities and a shortage of teachers in Midland and
surrounding West Texas communities. A new building--the Midland College Pre-K Academy
& Center for Teaching Excellence--will open in Fall 2023.
Quality Early Childhood Opportunities
The project will allow MC to expand its existing pre-k academy from 68 seats to 288
seats, thereby fulfilling a dire need in the community for quality pre-k education.
Many Midland students are starting kindergarten without the skills they need to succeed
in order to boost early literacy and achieve academic achievement. Studies indicate
that students who attend pre-kindergarten have heightened vocabulary scores by the
time they enter kindergarten, improved attendance through their school years and increased
high school graduation rates.
All students within the Midland ISD area are eligible for the MC Pre-K Academy with
special consideration given to those in families who are characterized as low-income.
Teacher Preparation and Professional Growth
The new building will provide a home for Midland College's new Early Childhood Education
bachelor's degree program.
The new baccalaureate degree program will increase quantity and quality of early childhood
education teachers in the region as early as 2026. Students who complete the baccalaureate-level
program and obtain the Texas Teacher Certification Early Childhood-3rd Grade will
fill a critical gap in the teaching pipeline.
This is the first teacher preparation program in the West Texas area where students
enrolled in the program can actually interact with children and receive hands-on training
on-site from the beginning until the end of their education.
We Need Your Financial Help
The majority of funding for this project has been made possible by lead gifts of $10
million each from the Permian Strategic Partnership (PSP) and Scharbauer Foundation,
grants of $1 million or more by Abell-Hanger Foundation, The Beal Foundation, Henry
Foundation and Warren Charitable Foundation, and generous contributions from individuals,
families and businesses in the community. However, we still need your financial help
so that we can finish the project and meet the needs of Midland and West Texas.
Give a Gift
Thank You to our Donors
Permian Strategic Partnership Scharbauer Foundation
Abell-Hanger Foundation Henry Foundation Midland College Foundation, Inc. The Beal Foundation Warren Charitable Foundation
Robbie Windham Davidson Estate
L. Decker Dawson Trust
Rosalind Redfern Grover
Alma Walsh Mallison Estate Celia & Word Wilson
Cliffy & B. J. Beal Mary & Jack E. Blake, Jr. Sigrid & Richard Coats June Cowden Linda J. Cowden The de Compiegne-Wallace Foundation Mindy & Joe de Compiegne Amy & Tim Leach
Lynda & Carlton Beal, Jr. Karmen & Billy Bryant Julie Edwards Jeannie & Taylor Mayne Tricia & Earl Michie Katy & Paul Morrow D’Ann & John Norwood Shelley & Chip Smith Sandra H. Staley The Wayne and Jo Ann Moore Charitable Foundation
James M. Alsup Anonymous Ruth S. Bell Carol Jo Blake Spencer Blocker Frances & Jack Brown Fund, Communities Foundation of Texas Dr. Arnulfo T. Carrasco Kay & Steve Castle Nancy Cooper Cheryl Shull Cotner Betty Couch Peggy Cowan Kaye & Courtney H. Cowden, Jr. Mary Dawson Paula & Gary Douglas Judia L. Foreman Veronica & Kirk Fritschen Jeanie & Tom Johnson Mary B. Kennedy Dana & Steve Kiser Ruth Locklar Charlene & Dan McBride Dee & Paul Morris PEO Chapter DD Randee & Jack Rathbone Kelli & Albert Sherman Martha & John Smart Kim & Billy Sneed Julia & Jack Swallow Nicholas C. Taylor Vicki & Dr. Steve Thomas Carole V. Warren
Karen & Spencer Beal Rebecca Bell Laura & Jim Brown Shawna & Dan Buckley Elaine & Adrian Carrasco Audrey & Michel Curry Becky & Doug Ferguson Jill & Gregg Groves Valerie & Alan Hale Jean Jones Elizabeth & Mary Kallus Duncan Kennedy Marion & John Kimberly Barbara & Jim Leeton Pam & Bob Leibrock Donette Marble Anne McLaughlin Susan & Rick Moore Sherry & Mark Nichols Laura & Brian O'Toole Katherine Prementine Margaret J. Purvis Nanette & Dennis Sever Violet & Mark Singh Kay & George Smith Dale & Jon Stasney Ronald Thomas Melinda Williamson John M. Wojtkun
Rita Brady Joan & Paul Brooks Sylvia Brown Barbara Clarke Brenda Cordero Rita Nell Diffie Bahola & Tim Edwards Dr. William Feeler Kay Floyd Esta & Cary Geron Anne & Brian Gilley Dr. Terry & Bruce Gilmour Stacey & Parker Hewitt Jan Johnston April & Gary Kennedy Mary Lopez Cindy Madewell Michael Makowsky Ginger McCready Nan Oestmann Vickie Pickett Dr. Miranda Poage Betty Ann Prentice Ema Rivera Aggie & Jere Romine Dr. Deana Savage & Glenn Brown Leslie Shoemaker Taylor Shorb Jeffry A. Smith Julia & Eric Vickery Dr. Margaret & Burgess Wade Dale Westfall Jane Wolf Elizabeth & Blas Zenteno Kathryn Zimmerhanzel