Noe ‘Z’ Gonzalez is a 20-year-old Midland College (MC) student with a plan that started
as a dream he thought he was incapable of attaining. Once he learned self-discipline
and personal motivation, he realized that he has the ability to turn the dream into
a feasible plan.
“My plan is to earn a bachelor’s degree, and enlist in the U. S. Army,” Gonzalez
explained. “After Basic Training and OCS [Officer Candidate School], my ultimate
goal is to qualify for Army Special Operations and deploy in order to fight oppression
throughout the world. I truly believe that through the military, I can serve and
help people.”
While attending Midland High School, Gonzalez was a member of Junior ROTC. It was
there that he became interested in pursuing the military as a career; however, he
was out of shape and admittedly lacked much enthusiasm for anything but playing video
In 2021, during the end of his senior year in high school, Gonzalez discovered a passion
for health and fitness. He started training at Midland BJJ & MMA and is now an amateur
Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitor. He also has a black belt in
Tae Kwon Do.
“When I was a child, my father, who is a private softball and baseball coach, encouraged
me to play various sports, but when I was a young teenager, I became disinterested
in sports and started staying inside and playing video games,” Gonzalez explained.
“I didn’t realize it at the time, but I also think I suffered with a degree of depression.”
At 5’3” tall, Gonzalez said that he was a short, chubby teen and was an easy target
for bullies.
“The first time I walked through the doors of Midland BJJ & MMA, I weighed 160 pounds,”
he said. “I lost 30 pounds and gained a vast amount of self-confidence.”
Today, Gonzalez is a Midland College Legacy Scholar. He said that in addition to
providing a scholarship for full tuition, the Legacy Program has also helped him develop
a sense of community custodianship and taught him invaluable leadership skills. In
May, he will obtain an associate degree and become the first person in his family
to graduate from college. In August, he plans to continue his higher education journey
at the University of Texas Permian Basin pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Interpersonal
“I was a terrible high school student; however, I’m a much better college student,”
he said. “I now realize that I have the ability to pursue things that I want in life.
“My favorite class at MC has been Philosophy and Ethics taught by Brenton Cross. Taking
the class gave me skills to discuss differing ideas in a civil way and accept others
with different cultures. I chose Interpersonal Communications as my major because
it’s important for a good leader to understand team members, learn how to communicate
with them and read emotions.
“I am blessed to have a purpose and goal in life. It’s rare for someone my age to
have his life planned. My personal motto is ‘It’s better to die for something than
live for nothing.’”