Concurrent Session ScheduleIn-Service Week

Dreaming in Color

Tuesday, January 9

  • Marie Hall Academic Building (MHAB)
  • 10am - 3pm
  • Lunch will be served to participants

Participate Online via Teams (for those not on main campus in Midland)

Return to In-Service Week page



Student Life Updates

Description: Overview of the new reporting landing page for faculty/staff and students regarding Title IX, Accommodations, Counseling, Student Complaints, CARE Team, Student Disciplinary Issues, SOS (new name change), Essentials Pantry, and more. There are new updates and streamlined processes for these areas.

Presenter(s): Joseph Granado, Shep Grinnan, Nicole Cooper, & Brad Gwatney

MHAB 101


Creating Effective Assessments

Description: A high-level overview of the knowledge, resources, and skills to create, distribute, and interpret effective instructional assessments. Designed to provide quick tips and tricks to faculty seeking to improve their assessment practices.

Presenter(s): Charity Rohlfs & Kevin Goldsmith

MHAB 107

So Many Brains: Neurodiversity and Neurodivergence in the Classroom

Description: Communication is tricky enough when just two or three people are involved. It gets even more complicated when we interact with an entire class with multiple ways of thinking and understanding. This session will present three models for understanding human mental diversity and consider possible teaching strategies arising from that information.

Presenter(s): Stevie Gaines

MHAB 110


Resiliency & Change: Navigating Transformative Challenges

Description: An overview of the psychological, emotional, and practical aspects of building resilience in the face of organizational change. Participants will gain insights into adaptive coping strategies, change management techniques, and the cultivation of a growth mindset, equipping them to embrace change as an opportunity for growth and innovation. 

Presenter(s): Steffie Oakleaf

MHAB 111


Presentation Zen: Design & Delivery

Description: This session offers practical insights into crafting visually compelling slides, preparing quality handouts, using storytelling to connect with the audience, and techniques for confident and impactful presentation delivery. Participants will learn to strip away unnecessary elements to focus on the essence of their message, creating a more engaging and memorable experience for their audience.

Presenter(s): Armand Cruz & Kevin Andrews

MHAB 112


LinkedIn Learning

Description: We will be streaming a curated selection of educational content from LinkedIn Learning, showcasing a wide array of topics relevant to academic professional development. If none of the live sessions pique your interest or you want a productive and insightful break from others, join us to experience the convenience and effectiveness of online asynchronous learning.

MHAB 105




Advising & Career/Transfer Services

Description: Partner with Pathways Advising to ensure student success through 360 Navigate (Early Alert System). Learn about First Generation Initiative and Ambassador Programs, and Career & Transfer Services available to students. 

Presenter(s): Nereida Huffman, Krystal Annankra, Ida Curiel, & Carrie Henson

MHAB 101


DISC for Instructors: Understanding Behavioral Styles for Effective Teaching & Learning

Description: DISC provides a common language to better understand both ourselves and those we interact with - including our students - to reduce conflict and improve working relationships. Learn how individual instructors and students respond to conflict, what motivates or stresses them, and how they solve problems to turn conflict into a positive, productive exercise.

Presenter(s): Steffie Oakleaf

MHAB 107


Cybersecurity in Plain English: Protection in a Digital World

Description: This introductory session offers an overview of cybersecurity essentials in today's workplace, with special emphasis on phishing and other prevalent cyber risks. You will learn practical strategies to fortify digital defenses to safeguard personal and college information and assets.

Presenter(s): Doug Whitman & Kevin Andrews

MHAB 110

Next-Level Teaching: Active Learning Strategies

Description: In this session you will learn how to craft and lead engaging active learning experiences in both physical and virtual classrooms, tailored to specific subjects and desired student learning outcomes.

Presenter(s): Ginger Schantz

MHAB 111

Canvas Updates & Best Practices

Description: Learn about the most recent features, changes, and updates in Canvas, highlighting how these enhancements can positively impact your workflow and student success outcomes. Receive guidance about utilizing Canvas to its fullest potential through valuable tips for both new and experienced users.

Presenter(s): Jennifer Goolsby & Kevin Goldsmith

MHAB 112

LinkedIn Learning

Description: We will be streaming a curated selection of educational content from LinkedIn Learning, showcasing a wide array of topics relevant to academic professional development. If none of the live sessions pique your interest or you want a productive and insightful break from others, join us to experience the convenience and effectiveness of online asynchronous learning.

MHAB 105



Demystifying Artificial Intelligence: A Beginner's Guide

Description: As AI becomes increasingly integral in both professional and personal realms, understanding its basic principles and applications is more important than ever. Participants will be guided through foundational concepts and live demonstrations of generative AI tools. This is an ideal starting point for those seeking to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of AI.

Presenter(s): Joe Bontke & Kevin Andrews

MHAB 101


Student Life Updates

Description: Overview of the new reporting landing page for faculty/staff and students regarding Title IX, Accommodations, Counseling, Student Complaints, CARE Team, Student Disciplinary Issues, SOS (new name change), Essentials Pantry, and more. There are new updates and streamlined processes for these areas.

Presenter(s): Joseph Granado, Shep Grinnan, Nicole Cooper, & Brad Gwatney

MHAB 107

Course Scheduling Process

Description: This session will offer an opportunity for all division secretaries and clerks to participate in a training and Q&A regarding Working With Courses in Jenzabar, J1 reports, and scheduling processes.

Presenter(s): Jac January

MHAB 110

DISC Essential Training for Staff

Description: DISC provides a common language to better understand both ourselves and those we interact with at work to reduce conflict and improve working relationships. Learn how you and your colleagues respond to conflict, motivators/stressors, and approaches to problem solving to turn conflict into a positive, productive exercise.

Presenter(s): Steffie Oakleaf

MHAB 111

Lights, Camera, Learn: Creating Instructional Videos

Description: Learn best practices for video creation and content sharing using Midland College video creation and hosting platforms in order to create instructional videos to increase student engagement and success.

Presenter(s): Joey Schenkman & Kevin Goldsmith

MHAB 112

LinkedIn Learning

Description: We will be streaming a curated selection of educational content from LinkedIn Learning, showcasing a wide array of topics relevant to academic professional development. If none of the live sessions pique your interest or you want a productive and insightful break from others, join us to experience the convenience and effectiveness of online asynchronous learning.

MHAB 105



Campus & Personal Safety

Description: Session description coming soon!

Presenter(s): Ashley Borgstedte, Joe Butts, & Steffie Oakleaf

MHAB 101

AI/Cybersecurity Primer

Description: A combination of two previous sessions: Demystifying Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in Plain English for those wanting a 30,000 foot overview of two important digital concepts.

Presenter(s): Kevin Andrews

MHAB 107


The When and Why of Cheating: The Importance of a Student-Centered Approach to Detecting Generative AI

Description: Insight into why students cheat when intrinsic motivation decreases. Building a culture of integrity is critical, especially when students and teachers are engaged in a "cheating" arms race.  How can we shift our approach to the detection and use of Generative AI to a more student-centered approach?

Presenter(s): Sondra Richards & Jay Schwartz

MHAB 110


Elevating Faculty Research

Description: Learn best practices for higher education teaching and learning research and promote faculty engagement with ongoing research activity at Midland College.

Presenter(s): Debbie McNeeley

MHAB 111


Retirement Update

Description: This session is designed for employees approaching retirement, offering a comprehensive overview of the latest updates for TRS. We'll guide you through the essential steps to ensure a smooth transition into retirement, discussing key timelines and requirements.

Presenter(s): Natasha Morgan

MHAB 112


LinkedIn Learning

Description: We will be streaming a curated selection of educational content from LinkedIn Learning, showcasing a wide array of topics relevant to academic professional development. If none of the live sessions pique your interest or you want a productive and insightful break from others, join us to experience the convenience and effectiveness of online asynchronous learning.

MHAB 105



To Be Determined

Description: Session description coming soon!


MHAB 107

AI Roundtable Discussion

Description: Join us for an engaging roundtable discussion led by members of the AI Task Force. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in dynamic conversations about the practical applications of AI in enhancing teaching, learning, and administrative functions. By sharing your insights, experiences, and best practices, this roundtable can help collaboratively chart a course for the usage of generative AI at Midland College.

Presenter(s): Will Torres, Chris Brown, Lupita Copeland, Joseph Granado, Jamie Kneisley, & Jay Schwartz

MHAB 110


Marketing Roundtable Discussion

Description: The marketing team is on a mission to share the many stories of Midland College, including academics, community engagement, and student life. We can provide expertise in digital and traditional media. Join us, and let's chat about our services, project timelines, and the best ways to request our help.

Presenter(s): Karisa Danley

MHAB 111


 Administrative Services Roundtable Discussion

Description: This interactive roundtable session offers a unique opportunity for participants to engage in open discussions about human resources and accounting at Midland College. Participants are encouraged to bring their questions, concerns, and ideas - we want this to be a platform for problem-solving and knowledge exchange.

Presenter(s): Jeff Chambers

MHAB 112


LinkedIn Learning

Description: We will be streaming a curated selection of educational content from LinkedIn Learning, showcasing a wide array of topics relevant to academic professional development. If none of the live sessions pique your interest or you want a productive and insightful break from others, join us to experience the convenience and effectiveness of online asynchronous learning.

MHAB 105

Additional Information

Teaching & Learning Center

For additional information or questions, contact the Teaching & Learning Center by emailing or calling (432) 685-6705.

Technical Support

For technical support, contact the IT Help Desk by emailing or calling (432) 685-4788.


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