Each year, the Midland College Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society selects a service
project that will benefit a group in Midland. This year, the students decided to
assist domestic violence victims who are currently seeking assistance from the Crisis
Center of West Texas. On Friday, November 18, Midland College student and PTK Vice
President Maria Gonzalez and Midland College Government Professor and Honors Program
Director Dr. Terry Gilmour delivered 30 bags of personal care items and $767 to the
The project began on October 26 when PTK members solicited assistance from Midland
College employees and students.
“When we asked our fellow students and Midland College employees for donations, the
response was overwhelming,” Gonzalez said. “Individuals—both students and employees—contributed.
A dual credit English class taught by Felicia Stovall joined us by making this their
class project, and the Student Nurses Association contributed with many items, as
well. People dropped off the items in Dr. Gilmour’s office and/or donated money.
In addition to the 30 bags of items, we also donated $767 for the Crisis Center clients.”
Gonzalez stated that during PTK’s service project research, members discovered that
the Crisis Center of West Texas currently houses 47 survivors of domestic violence
and sexual abuse (19 adults and 28 children). They also maintain a 24-hour hotline,
free counseling, case management and legal advocacy.
“In 2021, there were 204 Texans killed by their intimate partners and 5 of those were
in the Permian Basin,” Gonzalez explained. “People our age (14-25) are at the highest
risk for interpersonal violence.”
Photo: Maria Gonzalez, MC student and vice president of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
(left), delivers 30 bags of personal care items to Lorie Dunnam, executive director
of the Crisis Center of West Texas (right).