Midland College provides learning space for employees’ childrenAugust 21, 2020

The image to use for this article. Listing image managed through RSS tab. Harrison Hurdle (left) and Madelyn Kennedy (right)

During the time that some Midland schools are not offering face-to-face classes, Midland College (MC) is providing a supervised place for employees’ children in grades K through 5 to complete class assignments and have virtual lessons.  Beginning this week, MC employees are able to take their children to a large classroom at the Marie Hall Academic Building on the main MC campus.  Five Midland High School seniors assist the children with homework, class assignments and virtual classes.  The entire program is under the direction of MC Dean of Education Denise McKown.

“When I heard that many local schools were not going to offer in-school instruction at the beginning of this school year, I jokingly told Damon [Dr. Damon Kennedy, MC vice president of Instructional Services] that we may as well just hold elementary school here.  Damon said, ‘you may have something there.’  So, we immediately started brainstorming ways we could offer a learning environment for children of college employees.”

Since 70 percent of MC classes are being taught online this fall, McKown said that finding a classroom was an easy task.  She hired five high school seniors to oversee the children and assist with explaining class assignments and logging into virtual lessons.

“We work 19 hours per week,” Madelyn Kennedy, a Midland High School senior, explained.  “After I finish here, I go home and do my own class assignments.  The kids are great.  Sometimes we have to keep them on task, but for the most part, they are pretty focused.  The younger kids need more breaks than the older ones, so we go outside for 10 or 15 minutes every hour or so.  Then, they come right back to their lessons.”

McKown oversees the program and ensures that everyone has the tools they need and that the environment is conducive to learning.

“We are glad that we can provide this service to our employees,” Dr. Damon Kennedy said.  “Many of our employees would have had to take a leave of absence in order to stay home, and this is the busiest time of year for Midland College.  We need our employees to be here.  So, it’s a ‘win’ for everyone—the children, employees and the college.”

Photo: Harrison Hurdle (left) and Madelyn Kennedy (right). Harrison is in kindergarten at Santa Rita Elementary School and is the son of MC Student Activities Coordinator Taneekwa Hurdle. Madelyn is a senior at Midland High School and the daughter of MC Vice President of Instructional Services Dr. Damon Kennedy.

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